ComboPacks for Golf Course Pond Treatment | TLC Products - for Aquatic Systems -

ComboPacks for Golf Course Pond Treatment

 16 Customer Reviews  |  Free Shipping Over $40
  • Treats golf course ponds that are 1/4 acre or larger
  • Cleans and clears up water
  • Destroys foul odors
  • Reduces sludge and muck
  • Not a chemical, non-toxic, non-pathogenic, 100% natural
  • Safe for people, children, livestock, pets, fish, wildlife, and plants
  • Proudly made in the USA

Each ComboPack includes:
1 gallon of ultra-concentrated liquid bacteria (PondPerfect) plus
1 extra-large, slow-release, powder-based biodegradable EcoSock

Available Sizes:
1 Unit: 1 Gallon and 1 EcoSock
6 Units: 6 Gallons and 6 EcoSocks
30 Units: 30 Gallons and 30 EcoSocks

$64.95 - $999.95
    • ComboPacks for Golf Course Pond Treatment
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Full Product Description

Maintaining sludge-free irrigation ponds and decorative ponds is a challenge for many golf course superintendents. Sunshine combines with fertilizers, leaves, and grass clippings to cause scum blooms that are both unsightly in decorative ponds as well as problematic for irrigation systems. PondPerfect and EcoSocks ComboPacks is the solution that is non-toxic, non-hazardous, cost effective, and environmentally beneficial.

ComboPacks are the ideal solution for golf course superintendents looking to bring beauty and clarity back to their ponds without resorting to toxic chemicals or algaecides. ComboPacks combine a super concentrated version of our liquid PondPerfect formula, and an extra-large version of our EcoSock.

Easy to apply.

  1. Step 1 pour liquid PondPerfect around perimeter of pond.
  2. Step 2 throw in EcoSock.
  3. Works together for a full month.

ComboPacks contain a biological clarifier that effectively:

  1. Improves lake and pond water clarity
  2. Destroys foul odor from farm ponds or lakes
  3. Eliminates muck or sludge in lakes and ponds

Read more about pond benefits >

ComboPacks the preferred biological clarifier of knowledgeable professionals to safely make water clear, quickly reduce bad odor. The two-part treatment is odorless, and contains no toxic chemicals.

ComboPacks are the best solution for a clear pond at your golf course. BUY NOW