Safety Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet and Substance Formulae
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Alive Elite is a bio fertilizer and plant growth stimulant intended for use by home owners for home plants, lawns, and home gardens. Alive Elite is the retail version of ACF-SR, which is the industrial plant growth product that we manufacture for dosing to commercial agriculture (with 1,000,000 acres of farmland using ACF-SR on their important crops).
Alive Elite is a unique, environmentally friendly bacterial formula that affordably and sustainably enhances biological activity in soil, improves uptake of N and P by plants, and stimulates plant germination, root growth and healthy development.
Alive Elite restores soil health, boosts nutrient uptake and increases crop yield in your garden or on the farm, or can be used to grow a greener, healthier lawn.
Better Performance
- Greater biomass and crop yield.
- Improved plant/crop quality.
- Better nutrient absorption.
- Reduces plant stress.
Better Product Quality
- Contains a stable microbial blend of 6 bacterial species with a 2-year shelf life.
- Each bacterial species is grown separately and then formulated for consistency and quality control.
- Easy to use, just dilute with non-chlorinated water and apply as you water your home plants, or as a foliar spray or in an irrigation system for your lawn or garden.
Better Safety
- Non-toxic, non-GMO and non-pathogenic.
- All natural, BioSafety Level 1 bacteria.
Easy to Use
Alive Elite is typically diluted with water then applied directly to soil in the expected root zone, or sprayed on turf or foliage. Dilute with as much tap water as needed to obtain good coverage. When applying directly to soil, the extra dilution water helps the product penetrate the upper soil and reach the root zone, where the probiotic bacteria are needed the most! Alive Elite has specific dose procedures for turf, house plants, gardens, and commercial agriculture.
How It Works
Alive Elite has two critical modes of action (how it works):
- Biofertilizer: Alive Elite pulls nitrogen from the air and converts it to ammonia, reducing the need for N fertilizer. Alive Elite makes phosphorous and potassium in the soil more “bioavailable”. This key activity speeds uptake of critical nutrients from the soil into your plants.
- Growth Hormones: Alive Elite microbes naturally produce important plant growth hormones such as indole acetic acid (IAA) and gibberellin. These growth hormones are critical to rapid germination, root growth, and plant fruiting and reproduction.
Along with these two mechanisms, since plants are healthier, with larger and better developed root structure, your home plants, lawn, and garden will be more stress resistant and disease resistant, as well as more tolerant of drought conditions.
The key is our ability to create a defined, stable and potent mix of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria (PGPB) that is easy to apply without altering your plant-care regimen. You can increase yield 20 plus percent and significantly reduce your grow time in both hydroponic systems and soil applications.
Alive Elite is the eco-friendly solution to significantly improve plant growth.