Fountain Perfect | TLC Products - for Aquatic Systems -

Fountain Perfect

 3 Customer Reviews  |  Free Shipping Over $40

Biological Fountain Clarifier

  • Treats fountain water outdoors and indoors
  • Dose 1 ounce for every 5 gallons, once a week, or as needed
  • Clarifies water
  • Destroys foul odors
  • Reduces sludge and muck
  • Use on fountains, bird baths, and waterfalls
  • Great for indoor and outdoor fountains
  • Non-foaming and non-scaling
  • Not a chemical, non-toxic, non-pathogenic, 100% natural
  • Safe for all birds, wildlife, people, children, livestock, pets, fish, and plants
  • Proudly made in the USA

Available Sizes:
12 Ounces
32 Ounces
1 Gallon

$13.45 - $39.95
    • Fountain Perfect
    • Select a size:

Full Product Description

This product is used to clarify fountain water, reduce odors, sludge, and foam for a clear, healthy fountain and is safe for all birds, aquatic plants, and wildlife.

Fountain Perfect: Biological Clarifier for Outdoor and Indoor Fountains

Your outdoor or indoor fountain provides peace, beauty, and tranquility – except when you are plagued with dirty fountain water, foaming, odors and scum! Of course, there are chemical solutions, but these are toxic and potentially harmful to birds and other wildlife. Fountain Perfect is your biological solution to all common fountain water problems. This a super-concentrated version of our popular PondPerfect, and also includes non-toxic anti-foaming and scale prevention ingredients.

Fountain Perfect will reduce foaming and scaling that cause unsightly fountain problems. Using Fountain Perfect according to directions will reduce your required maintenance by 70% to 80% or your product will be replaced at no charge.

Fountain Perfect is environmentally safe, non-toxic, and does not contain harmful surfactants. Unlike other fountain additives, Fountain Perfect has a neutral, slightly musty odor and is not offensive when stored or when applied.

For a beautiful, healthy fountain, bird bath or waterfall – Fountain Perfect is the ideal fountain treatment for you.

Read more about fountain benefits >

Buy with Confidence
Fountain Perfect does not require refrigeration and can be stored for up to 2 years after purchase. Fountain Perfect is odorless and contains no toxic chemicals. Fountain Perfect is the environmentally superior way to treat your fountain..

Fountain Perfect is the perfect way to achieve a beautiful and healthy fountain.  BUY NOW