
Fountain Treatment Product

Decorative fountains, whether indoor or outdoor, normally require hours of maintenance to maintain them in a clear, healthy condition.  These free standing ponds generally have limited water supply, which is generally topped off with distilled water or tap water to keep the water level full.  But this small amount of water (often 10 to 100 gallons) receives plenty of nutrient from birds, leaves, etc., as well as plenty of sunlight (outdoors especially).  This makes any fountain a prime breeding ground for algae! 

Rather than use harsh and toxic chemicals to keep fountain water clean, Fountain Perfect is a natural, safe, biological means to keep your fountain water clean and free of pollutants.  Using Fountain Perfect at the recommended dose rate will keep your fountain water as clean as possible, minimize requirement for manually cleaning the surfaces, and keep the water fresh and more palatable for birds. Learn more about our Fountain Perfect pond water treatment below:

Fountain Perfect
Fountain Perfect
Cleans and clarifies fountain water both indoors & outdoors. Safe for all birds & wildlife. 100% natural, not a chemical.
$13.45 - $39.95