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The look and health of your aquarium is extremely important not only for the health of your fish and plant life but also for the overall look and appeal of the system. We offer several all-natural aquarium care and maintenance products to keep your aquatic creatures healthy and your water system clean.

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StartSmart for Instant Cycling
StartSmart for Instant Cycling
Treats freshwater or saltwater aquariums. Cycles aquarium instantly, eliminating ammonia and nitrite toxicity.
$9.50 - $57.50
StartSmart Complete
StartSmart Complete
Our premier product for the serious aquarist. Cycles, reduces sludge & maintenance, clarifies water without chemicals.
$13.65 - $69.75
Aquarium Optimizer
Aquarium Optimizer
Ideal for the regular aquarium hobbyist. Keeps freshwater or saltwater tanks clean & healthy, while keeping costs down.
$11.65 - $52.25
DeChlor & Conditioner
DeChlor & Conditioner
Great for freshwater & saltwater aquariums, ponds, and fountains. Makes tap water safe for fish instantly.
$8.50 - $39.95


Murky, smelly, unsightly ponds are an eyesore and a health hazard to animals and humans. TLC Products offers a wide range of pond treatment solutions to safely and naturally treat your pond, whether large or small. All of our products are 100% natural and chemical free, but are powerful enough to solve pond clarity problems, digest excess sludge, and solve foul odor problems.  Our pond products are proven safe and effective for residential, farm, and golf course ponds.

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Farm Pond Treatment
Farm Pond Treatment
Treats residential, golf course & farm ponds 1/4 acre or larger. Each box includes 1 gallon PondPerfect plus 1 EcoSock.
$64.95 - $1,225.00
PondPerfect Treatment
PondPerfect Treatment
For garden ponds & small ponds. Formulated to clarify pond water, reduce bottom sludge, and eliminate foul odors.
$12.45 - $52.95
Extra strength treatment for problem ponds. Second version available for Fall & Spring prep. Digests sludge & cleans water.


Decorative fountains, whether indoor or outdoor, normally require hours of maintenance to maintain them in a clear, healthy condition.  These free standing ponds generally have limited water supply, which is generally topped off with distilled water or tap water to keep the water level full.  But this small amount of water (often 10 to 100 gallons) receives plenty of nutrient from birds, leaves, etc., as well as plenty of sunlight (outdoors especially).  This makes any fountain a prime breeding ground for algae! 
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Fountain Perfect
Fountain Perfect
Cleans and clarifies fountain water both indoors & outdoors. Safe for all birds & wildlife. 100% natural, not a chemical.
$13.45 - $39.95


Household septic tank systems have higher than necessary maintenance costs, such as excess pumping. Septic systems often generate foul, rotten egg odors, run slowly or sluggishly, and often have poorly working drain fields with stagnant standing water, puddles, odors, etc. All of these problems can be solved through regular use of Septic Medic!

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Septic Medic
Septic Medic
Proven to eliminate septic tank odors. Reduces excess pumping. Restores septic tank & drain field to peak efficiency.
$11.95 - $36.50